Prof. Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain

Dear colleagues,
I am very happy to know that the Society of Otolaryngologists & Head-neck Surgeons of Bangladesh (ORLHNSB) is going to up date its website. The website will contain basic information's of all member as well as detail information of our society, its formation day to day and upcoming activities. Of course confidentiality of the individuals informations will be maintained. All the leading professinal bodies in the world hoist & update their website at regular intervals. ORLHNSB is one of the oldest professional societies in Bangladesh.Since its inception society is playing pioneer role in introducing, popularizing & disseminating new innovations, world-class techniques, hands on training among the otolaryngologists & head neck surgeons of Bangladesh. Thus rendering pivotal role in producing quality Otolaryngologists & Head-Neck surgeons for Bangladesh.
In this way micro ear surgery, phono-surgery, endoscopie sinus surgery etc. have gained wide appreciation, public confidence & popularity. Instead of going abroad people are seeking services here in the country saving hard earned foreign currency. To cope up with the challenges of the new millennium and to train the young stars we need to be connected with the world famous otolaryngologists & head neck surgeons through institutional cooperation among the regional & global organizations. With this up-gradtion, all the members will come closer digitally. This website will provide latest information's regarding human resource development, continuing medical education, training programmes & seminars in home & abroad. Thus any body can be connected with the society very easily. I believe the new attempt of updating &upgrading the website will open up new windows of hope & co-operation among the Otolatyngologists & Head Neck surgeons of Bangladesh.
I wish you all a very Happy Eid-ul-Azha. Hope everyone will celebrate Eid in a happy atmosphere with own families